Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I was watching Oprah last night. Her show is screened primetime here, 8.30pm, which is great, as I'd never get to see it otherwise.

Oprah is hit and miss with me. I can't stand her interviews with actors/musicians/celebrities etc, all she ever does is fawn all over them. Nothing new or insightful comes out... though that Tom Cruise thing certainly showed a LOT of people how much of a freaking nutbar weirdo he is.

Last night's episode featured the woman who discovered J.K Rowling's, Harry Potter, or as Oprah said it "Hairy Parder" - love those American accents.

A woman who won $1million for baking a pie, which to be honest, looked really disgusting and very amaturish, I've seen better baking from my 4 year old niece!

And it also talked about Krispy Kreme doughnuts. From the look on her, and the audience's faces, I'd say that these are pretty special doughnuts LOL. I can't see the appeal to be honest. It's just fried bread and all that sugary glaze looks a bit, well, sugary LOL. But then I'm not a big doughnut fan anyway, I'd rather have a packet of crisps or a Whittakers Almond Gold bar.

We don't have KK here, nor any other doughnut shops. We have bakeries/boulangeries that sometimes sell doughnuts, but "our" version is quite different. We don't have a hole in the middle of them, we stuff them with cream and dust icing sugar on them LOL. Or we stuff them with custard. Bascially anything to increase the calories by 1000%.

The audience went nuts when they all got given a box of KK doughnuts! LOL. From all the screaming and carrying on, you'd have think she'd given them a car, not just two doughnuts.

Tart at 1:38 PM |