Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I am a bloody marvellous and fantastic person!

And no, this is not part of some sort of daily affirmation or anything LOL.

I organised a large awards ceremony which was held last night. And it went off without a hitch (okay, so there was one or two quibbles) but nothing that impacted on the event itself.

Everyone seemed to have a great time. The alcohol was good, the food outstanding and the speeches (which I wrote for both the CEO and the Ambassador) were very well received. (I got claps people. Claps! Yay me LOL).

I was congratulated by all the award recipients on organising such a great event, how it was an honour to be there.

Then this morning the CEO and a few Directors came into my office to tell me that it was a great event, they had nothing but positive feedback and that I'd done a wonderful job.

Aw man. I feel so good. I am one of those people who really thrives on positive reinforcements LOL.

I'm still on a high...and of course, I keep forgetting that the next big event I'm helping with, is a three day outdoor festival that attracts over 150,000 and it starts on Friday. This Friday.

Yep. I'm gonna be a busy wee chicca for the next week or so. At least it keeps my mind off the boyfriend issue though (and my mouth away from the Tim Tams and vodka LOL).

Tart at 3:54 PM |