Monday, February 13, 2006
As you know, a few weeks ago the bf and I had decided to take a break from each other. I've not spoken to him, emailed him or text messaged him since then and so I was rather suprised to see him on my doorstep on Saturday morning.

He had just finished a morning dive and came bearing a fish. Yes. A fish. Some girls get flowers, and I get a bloody fish. So, I invited him in (it was a really nice looking fish LOL) and we talked. It wasn't pretty at times - I really wish I could cry and still look beautiful (you know, a solitary tear falling down a perfect cheek LOL), but no, I get all snotty and puffy red eyes - but we did talk about some of our issues and although not all of them are resolved, at least we're both on the same page and both agree that we do want to be together.

So I guess I can put away the vodka and the chocolate for the time being (bummer, though I'm sure my flabby arse is thanking me).

I saw Brokeback Mountain yesterday. Wow. What a great movie. I thought the acting was superb by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway have certainly come along way from Dawson's Creek and The Princess Diaries LOL. Ledger's performance was subtle and you really saw that his character, Ennis, was such a sad and heartbreaking lonely person. Jake's performance as Jack was just as good, probably even better. You know Jack just wanted Ennis with no regard to what others thought. He was the risktaker.

I have to wonder though, why some theatres are banning the film. I don't think it is a very controversial story. At its heart is a tender and very poignant love story. Between two men yes, but it isn't a very explicit film (if you want explicit - check out
Priest). I had been warned to "take a tissue" as it was a sad movie, but I didn't find it the tearjerker that other movie goers seem to have. So, highly recommed you see this one.

Also, this movie just re-affirmed my total crush on Jake Gyllenhaal that I've had since watching him in Donnie Darko LOL.

I mean really, he's just so damn fine.

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Yeah, I'd definitely shag him LOL.

Tart at 10:14 AM |