Friday, June 02, 2006
Tonight I'm going to the ex-boyfriends farewell drinks at a bar. I wasn't invited personally, but I was included in the group email that he sent last week.

Initially I wasn't going to go. I'm feeling a little weird about it all (I still have feelings for him, dammit LOL). But I decided (along with some gentle prodding from friends) that I'd go.

However, in order to make myself feel better and to show the ex just what he'll be missing for the rest of the year, I'm going to turn up looking fabulous! And sexy! But not like I tried too hard or anything (it's a fine line LOL). As a dear darling friend said "look HAPPY and CAREFREE. Make him wonder why you aren't bawling your eyes out. Could she be seeing another guy already? Make his last memory of you a lasting one, the one that will haunt that fucker for a long time".


*From Right Said Fred I'm Too Sexy

Tart at 2:31 PM |


At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Good luck tonight. I just know you'll be sexy, witty, funny, PERFECT!
Let us know how it goes.

At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
god bless your darling friend. excellent advise! god i hope it went well, i.e. you ended up on your back w/ bf bawling that he was leaving.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Serendipity said........
Good luck and have fun tonight Tart. I hope he drooled right out of his tongue!