Thursday, June 01, 2006
There are somethings I just don't understand. Or see the appeal of.

Scrapbooking is one of them. It seems really dorky.

Another thing I don't understand is the offside rule in football*. I know the offside rule in rugby, but in football it leaves me stumped.

I don't see the appeal of paranormal romances.

Or children. What's so great about kids? Sure, I love my smart and funny nieces and my gorgeous nephew, but I think kids are overrated.

I also don't get why David Beckham married Skeletal Posh Spice, when he so clearly is meant to be with me.

I don't get it why Starbucks is so popular, the coffee is revolting.

Oh and on a coffee note, I will never understand why people want to completely ruin a coffee by putting flavoured syrup, cream etc into it. Why have a coffee then if you're just going to bastardise it by having a "caramel and white chocolate mocha with cream". Gag.

I will never understand quantum physics. Or Russian.

I don't see the appeal of Ben Affleck. Or Richard Gere.

*soccer to those in the U.S.

Tart at 10:50 AM |


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Jo said........
HEY! Richie Gere is hot in eyeliner (Chicago)... and i have always wanted to learn russian... coffee is good just plain and black but sometimes if its to strong you need cream or flavor.... and i want babies... lots of babies to torture like i was!! HAHAHAHAH *EVIL LAUGH* j/k... i just like babies and i hope to deliver them as a job haha!!!

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Richie Gere looks like a sheep! Those itty bitty close together eyes. Creepy LOL.

I actually quite like babies. Mainly because they don't do anything (run around, yell, annoy me). I can handle babies. But only cute ones! Cute fat ones. Don't give me any of those scrawny skinned cat ones. Euw. Unfortunately my best friend's baby is the UGLIEST baby I have ever seen. Poor thing. I hope she grows into her looks.

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Here goes:
Scrapbooking: I don't see the appeal either but that didn't stop me from making a scrapbook for DS1's first year of pictures. It turned out quite well if I do say so myself. But that's it, no more. And yes, it does feel pretty dorky. LOL

Children: I have two, I think when you have your own you see the appeal. My kids are so freaking cute I just want to eat them up sometimes (but they're mine so that's normal). On the other hand, some children make me want to bang my head against a wall. LOL

Posh Spice, yes, WTF is the appeal?

Coffee: *cringe* that's me with the Soy Latte (on occassion I make it vanilla)

I'm an expert in quantum physics and I speak Russian.*

Ben Affleck: euw!
Richard Gere: not bad

*You do know I'm just being a smart ass here right?

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Ann, this is where I mock you for doing a scrapbook - you big dork! LOL. But I'll let it slide because a) you admit it's dorky and b) you only did 1 :)

The only Russian I know is "Pravda" and "Perestroika" and "Pirogy" (all the p words!) LOL.

PS. I'm sure your kids are cute and adorable too :P