Today is my parents 32nd Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad!
A pretty great achievement. They've been married since they were only 18 & 20, both young parents at the time (I came before the wedding, by about 4 months LOL).
I am so amazed at how strong, passionate and successful their relationship is. Sure, it's not been plain sailing all the time, but 32 years (and a few more, they married after dating 4 years) is a great commitment.
What I find interesting though, is that both my sister and I are quite anti-marriage. My sister has been in a long-term relationship for 10 years (and has three kids) with absolutely no desire to get married. And of course, my stance on marriage is "never never never, no no no!" LOL.
I wonder why that is? Surely the example my parents set (and both sets of grandparents who were married for 51 years and more than 30 years) would be something of an insight into marriage and how to make it last?
Or is it that both my sister and I fear that we'll fail. That we'll be the first ones in our family to have a relationship breakdown (only one person in my entire family, and I mean extended to 3rd and 4th cousins, and I have an extended family into the 100s, is divorced). Do I fear that I'll never "live up" to the unspoken expectations of marriage? Would I rather not try, than do so and get it wrong?
I'm not sure.
But whatever the reasons, I am so happy that my parents have lasted this long. They adore each other, are each others best friends and love unconditionally. Even I know thats the kind of relationship I want, even if it is outside the bonds of marriage.