Saturday, December 09, 2006
Today has been a sucky day.

This morning I went for a long walk, thinking the weather would hold until I got back, I didn't bother with a jacket. Bad mistake. About 35 minutes into the walk, the skies opened and it poured down. Torrential rain, and wind and here I am stuck in it. No phone to call a friend to come get me, no money to jump on a bus, so I trudged another 25 minutes in the rain. By the time I got back, my lips were blue and I was freezing. Took me about half in hour in the shower to feel my toes again.

Then later on in the morning, as I was doing some baking (passionfruit melting moments, mmm), I burnt three fingers really badly as I was getting out the biscuits from the oven (the oven mitt slipped and my poor wee fingers melted against the metal.) It fucking hurt! I now have no fingerprints on the middle three fingers of my right had LOL.

I should've quit then, but instead I decided to do a spot of cleaning, only to come a cropper in the bathroom when I slipped on the floor (stupid bloody white tiled floor!) and cracked the back of my head on the bath. Yeah. That fucking hurt too. I have a huge egg size bump now. Very tender.

To make matters worse, the live-in boyfriend is away this weekend, so I've got noone to whinge and whine too. I think that sucks even more LOL.

Tart at 8:32 PM |


At 8:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
Poor Tart! That sucks.
Just keep it all stored up and get some simpathy when surfer boy gets home ;)

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Girlie said........
On the bright side...

you're probably thinking, seriously Shosh, haven't you read this post before commenting?'ve had three bad the good things will start raining err pouring err, ahem coming in.