Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I've nothing to say at the moment (very rare, I hope it's not permanent LOL).

So, follow the links below and have a giggle or two.

I Can Has Cheezburger -

Cute animals, bad grammar, I should hate it but I don't... I mean, how can you hate the leetle bunny...?

humorous pictures

Passive Aggressive Notes -

Oh, takes me back to university flatting days!

Jezebel -

Witty, bitchy and sometimes quite spiteful. I loves it.

Pajiba -

Bitchy reviews... but it's the comments I go back for.

Jennsylvania -

She works out in pearls, I heart her so much!

Tart at 11:49 PM |


At 7:59 AM, Blogger Lizzy said........
Nice. I love time-waster websites. I have a couple of others that are pretty good:

Ugly Babies. Maybe I'm a jerk for thinking ugly babies are funny, but some of those pictures are hilarious.

The Superficial. I'm a celebrity news junkie.

HomeStarRunner. This is a cartoon website but if you go to the 'toons and then Teen Girl Squad on the remote, those are pretty funny. They've got some good one liners.