Sunday, August 27, 2006
I went to an impromptu party last night. I'd called around, with a bottle of wine, to see a recently engaged friend. A few other people obviously had the same idea, as there was a wee crowd gathering.

It was in this crowd that I was introduced to Etienne - a very handsome, urbane and cute French doctor. Etienne is currently working here on a sort of year long international residency thingy (yes, that is definitely is what it is called LOL). He works with my friends sister, who'd brought him to the party to meet a few people. I must remember to call Sally and thank her for doing so LOL.

Man was he so bloody nice! It was the accent I think. The way he said my name, made me weak at the knees. He was a master at flirting (made my attempts seem rather pathetic) and he was so charming. He should really give lessons to other kiwi blokes on how to be charming, they'd definitely get laid more LOL.

As he was walking me down to meet the cab (Yes, I left alone... I didn't want him to think I was that easy LOL), he asked for my number and said that he'd call me during the week.

Sweet. Something to look forward to.

On a completely different subject, I was reading an article in the Sunday Star Times magazine today about being an average New Zealander. Apparently, the average kiwi has 11.9 sexual partners (what's with the .9? someone not a finisher?). I have to say that I am not an average kiwi in that regard. In fact, I think I'm a very high achiever LOL. Anyway, who wants to be average? Right? LOL.

*not his real name LOL

Tart at 9:40 PM |


At 2:34 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
High achiever! LOL.

I am definitely in the boring side. I have only 1 in the partner division. Does it count that we play different characters? Because you know, that would difinitely up the count for me. LOL.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Jo said........
i want your sex life..... sometimes... othertimes i am completely happy with my hot sexy boyfriend.... so i'll just listen to your endevours (spelling?)

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Tart said........
Shosh - different roles? LOL. Like french maid and lord of the manor? That's brilliant... you devil you.

KC - just keep having hot sex with your man... cos really, numbers/partners don't matter in the end LOL.