Friday, August 25, 2006
Today has started off so well, I only hope it lasts the weekend!

The sun is shining in the bright blue sky, I'm wearing new jeans and new shoes, my hair looks fantastic (finally!) and probably the highlight so far, TGFTBWLLWM* was at the bus stop this morning. And!! He smiled at me. Cool. My whole morning was made with that one smile LOL.

*The Guy From The Bus Who Looks Like Wentworth Miller

Tart at 11:01 AM |


At 3:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said........

I love it when you spot TGFTBWLLWM and to get a smile, such a perfect way to start the weekend.

Hope the rest of it is just as good.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
awww, I so love a story of budding relationship.

I give him until Fall to make his moves!

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Jo said........
just make out with him already!!!