Monday, September 04, 2006
How old is too old to have a crush?

I am 32 years old and I have thumping crushes on:

The cute barista where I get my coffee from in the morning (he's got the most intense brown eyes and the most luscious lips)

My good friends husband (he is probably the sexiest, funniest, coolest, cleverest, totally-in-love-his-wife-it's-verging-on-sickmaking guy I know)

Steve Maharey (wish he was "our" minister LOL)

The Guy From The Bus Who Looks Like Wentworth Miller (I think I need to do a bit more stalking!)

Ric and Jack from Home & Away (These two are so damn cute they need to have more sceens in H&A with their shirts off, I'd consider a humanitary gesture for all the women aged 13-100).

And not to mention some of my celebrity crushes:
  • Wentworth Miller
  • Johnny Depp
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Ryan Philippe
  • Andy Irons
  • David Beckham
  • Jessica Alba

Is there a certain age in life, where these hopeless crushes just go away? Or am I going to turn into one of those pervy old ladies? (Turn into? I think I'm probably already one LOL).

Tart at 3:54 PM |


At 4:25 AM, Blogger Pop Culture Diva said........
As long as you're breathing and have passion, you'll always get crushes. There is no age limit. Enjoy it!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Jan said........
I wonder if you could explain to me what is the difference between "to have a crush" and "to fall in love"? I just can't figure it out but feel there is some difference. And because I am immodest a little - please, what is the difference between "to shag" and "to have sex"? I think, I am asking the right person. Thank you, Jan.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
Tart, you better not be too old to have a crush because that means I'm too old to have a crush and I absolutely refuse to give up my crushes:

Matthew McConaughy
Johnny Depp
Tatum Channing
Fredrik L- (can't spell his last name) but it's really just his tattoo and those abs that I have the crush on.
Guy at my gym
Guy I see when I'm running on our trail
Hmm, sure theres more. LOL

So my answer. No, you're not too old. Keep crushing, babe!

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
PCD - I'm glad there's no age limit on crushes, I plan on having them until I'm a old weird lady living in a crumbling villa with lots of cats and dogs LOL. And welcome to my blog - great to see another pop culture junkie :P

Jan - Wow, a reader from Czech Republic, very cool. I spent a month in Prague, one of my favourite European cities. Now to answer your questions:

I wonder if you could explain to me what is the difference between "to have a crush" and "to fall in love"?

A crush is generally a one-sided love affair LOL. One person really likes/has feelings for another person, but the 'crushee' often doesn't know and most often, doesn't reciprocate LOL (If only the real life Wentworth Miller knew about me LOL). To fall in love implies that both parties know each other and have feelings for each other. Does that make sence?

what is the difference between "to shag" and "to have sex"?

No difference at all LOL. "Shag" is a colloquial/slang word that means "have sex". I think it's a nicer slang word than "fuck", "bonk" or "screw", which is why I use it alot LOL

V babe... you know, I used to crush on Matthew M for years and years, until something about him was brought to my attention and now I've gone completely off him (yes, I am fickle LOL). He has stumpy arms! No seriously, he does LOL. Check out the pics. They're stumpy alright LOL. And Freddie L is just gorgeous - you have seen him in his Calvin Klein undies? Just makes you want to like that tattoo and just keep going down LOL.

At 5:24 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
Ha, I am 33 and I still have crushes. I know he's a skunk, but since Top Gun, I have a crush on Tom Cruise.

And all those celebrity your mentioned.

jan, crush is liking someone without falling in love. Find point. Crush can turn into "in love" of course, but crush is like lust too.

I am in lust with a skunk? OMG!