Friday, February 02, 2007
Wellington is abuzz today, the streets and bars crowded with people as they make their way to the Wellington IRB Sevens Tournament.

Sevens is 7-aside rugby, shorter games, fast paced and a lot of fun to watch (though in the past, I have spent more time people watching than actually watching the rugby). The Wellington tournament is really popular. People dress up in costumes, drink a lot and party for two days (tournament starts today and finishes around 9pm tomorrow).

The boyfriend has been at the pub since 10am this morning, he's going to be rat-arsed by the time he gets to the stadium at 3pm! I won't head down until after work. I'm so glad that neither the BF or his friends have decided to dress up in costume.

It could've been ugly... like these guys below...

Ugh. Nasty LOL.

I don't do costumes either, just not my thing. But it should be a fun weekend though, I get to catch up with friends who've come down from Auckland for it.

Tart at 1:06 PM |


At 1:09 AM, Blogger Vera said........
LOL, Lanie! These guys or better said their costumes are really disgusting! Have a lot of fun this weekend!

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
OMG...are those tights? as in Ladies?

At 5:59 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
Tart, can you also add your reading list? Just below the movie list. You have such interesting books. :)

At 7:35 AM, Blogger House Dad said........
Kia Ora, I came across your site via the wonderful Shoshana's blog. Going to bookmark it and come back often for my kiwi fix, as we now live in Sydney.
I hope your head is not too sore after the 7's. GO SAMOA! Didn't get to see any of the tournament, as I was a bit over rugby after being heckled as a Crusader's fan all Friday night by Ade and Jarvee, who are both Blue's fans.

Anyway, off for a walk at 5.30am to lose some weight and clear my head before another day of being a House Dad. Will check your site often.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Tart said........
Snowflake, these guys costumes were modest compared to some other Borat's, who went sans the beige tights. Takes a brave man to wear a mansling like that LOL.

ALE - get thee to a movie theatre to see Borat, and you'll see why they're wearing moustaches ;)

Shosh - yep, some of the "Borats" wore tights, for modesty I guess LOL. And I'll update my blog to include books I'm reading and books I've read :)

Hey HouseDad aka Lee - welcome. A Crusaders fan huh? I guess you've got that problem most Crusaders fans have... one eye? LOL I'm a Hurricanes supporter (being a Welly girl) and I also support Auckland (being a Doug Howlett fan LOL).