A friend had her baby last night, a little girl. So I went out at lunch time today to buy a present (side note, Lambton Quay is sadly lacking any baby stores! There's Kirks and that's it. Which is fine if you want to spent $65 on a onesie, but I'm more of a $10 for three onesie's kind of person LOL).
Anyway, after walking around a few stores and feeling rather dejected over lack of cool, affordable baby clothes, I went into Supre as they had this cute striped tunic in the window that I liked (I can't believe I just typed that sentence nor can I believe I actually went into Supre, I am at least 20 years too old for the clothing in there LOL). The staff are quite sweet, but slightly dim.
As I was paying for my purchase, the sales assistant said (in a really twangy kiwi accent):
"Wow, that's a big sapphire!"
"Your ring, that's a huge big sapphire... it's so pretty!"
I followed her gaze to my right hand and saw what she was referring too...
Yeah, it's big alright.
A big piece of blue coloured glass! The photo doesn't really show it either, but it's not really a sapphire blue colour, more turquoise (though I'm sure there are some sapphire's out there that could be turqoise LOL).
Christ, if I had a sapphire that size on my finger, do you think I'd be shopping at Supre? LOL